Discover your 


Align yourself with your life potential through astrology

  • Are you questioning your life direction, your career path, yourself or your relationships?
  • Do you have some difficult decisions to take and would like some support for that?
  • Are you wondering what makes you unique and how to manifest and live YOUR potential?
  • Are you looking for some answers in different areas of your life?

Then you are at the right place!

1. Astrology helps you to understand your soul blueprint, your potential. You receive practical tools and strategies how to create a life that is in deep resonance with you.

2. With astrology you can take a deep look at the different areas of your life: marriage/relationship, career, family, finances, ancestry, friendships, life goals, spirituality, karmic lessons etc.

3. You discover and fall in love with your uniqueness - and you learn how to trust and live it.

4. It also shows you which evolutionary steps you are currently taking and how you can support them, which decisions are important to take and how to move towards your life goals.

Astrological readings

Which session is the right one for you?

Birth Chart Reading

  • You never had an astrological reading and you are curious to know what the stars say about you, your relationship, friends, family, career, finances, challenges and opportunities, your “mission in life” - and much more.
  • You want to discover and realize your unique potential.
  • You have the feeling that there must be more, that you do not live your life in the fullness that would be possible. At the same time you don't know exactly what that would mean and what steps you would have to take.

Transits and Progressions Reading

  • You would like to know what the next year will bring you and how you can best use the quality of time.
  • You are at an important crossroad/ turning point in your life. Maybe you have some important decisions to make; maybe you just need more clarity for your situation.
  • You are in an intense or even really hard phase of your life and you would like to receive practical and emotional support.
  • Maybe some aspect of your life has come to an end. It can be a relationship, a professional orientation, a place to live or something else. You would like more clarity and support in your next steps, for the process of letting go and for your new beginning.

Partnership horoscope

  • You want to know something about your relationship blueprint and dynamics, how you affect each other, what is good for you as a couple and what you should pay attention to.
  • You love your partner, and actually everything is going well - if there would not be this one issue, that comes up again and again and you just don’t know how to deal with it.
  • Or your relationship is mostly difficult and/or painful, but somehow you don`t manage to separate.
  • You also might have drifted apart and now you do not know whether you should stay together and work on your relationship or let it go.

Astrojourney (Combi-Package)

You are ready for a big leap in your life.

You would like to get insights about how to proceed in all areas of your life and to receive emotional and practical support on the way.

This package provides you with a profound process over 2-3 months  and starts with the birth chart reading, followed by a karmic astrology reading some time later. You will also receive the transits and progressions reading to give you tools and strategies for the coming year. At the end we meet for an integration meeting, to tie loose ends and answer remaining questions.

Astrological Child Reading

  • You would like to know what is good for your child and where you can best support it. What talents does it have and where does it face challenges?
  • Maybe you would also like to understand what long term strategies would be beneficial for your child.
  • Or there are also some issues you have with your child and you would like some support for that.

For more readings please check out my other astrological readings

There you can also find information about how to book an appointment.

What my clients say about my work

My first reading with Mascha has been nothing short of life changing. I turned my life around within a year and feel the direction of my life is now a lot more aligned with my values and life’s mission. I have had multiple reading sessions since and found them incredibly helpful to direct my focus on the areas of life in need of my attention. 

Mascha has a real talent to see you deeply and validate what you have known about yourself as well as open your eyes to new information in a very supportive, guiding way. 

What I love about my readings with Mascha is she always gives real, tangible advice for a given time period or situation. I've recommended Mascha to a lot of my friends and they've all had an outstanding experience as well!

Marina Kudryavtseva

Sr. Director of Marketing, Los Angeles

Your astrological reading was so deep and beautiful! Really breathtaking!
We did not know each other and yet you knew me! You talked about my talents and weaknesses, and about where I strive towards. You showed me what I should pay attention to, what would support me to balance my weaknesses and where I could use my talents best.
I was allowed to recognize myself in so many ways and through this recognition a beautiful and light energy came into my life. So many insights in different areas- and I feel really richly blessed!

Already at the time of the session it gave me so much. Now, nine months later, I have listened to it again and am again amazed! So much more I was allowed to see. Many things you predicted have come true! So on point! Crazy!
You have a huge gift. You read my chart so accurately and put it into exactly the right words.
I wholeheartedly recommend your readings!
Thank you so much!

Sanyana Tala

Medicine Woman, Aachen (Germany)

About me

Welcome, my name is Mascha.

Welcome to my website!
I am a passionate astrologer for more than 25 years and would love to accompany you on this journey into your unique potential.

Astrology has helped me personally tremendously. It provided me with many insights, breakthroughs and good decisions. It has shown me what is really important to manifest, what to let go, what I need to live my potential, and most importantly: how to get in tune with my life instead of struggling against it. And that made my life more harmonious, fulfilling and peaceful -and much more fun!

I am very grateful to share this gift with my clients - and it is wonderful to get the feedback of how much they benefited from their astrological consultation.

Contact me

In case you have questions please feel free to send me a message!
I am looking forward to meet you! 

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Mascha Heinrich

Discover the Astrology Blog

Find out what you can expect from an astrological reading, explore the interesting possibilities of a partner horoscope and learn about the astrological elements.
